Fairfield Location

(973) 381-2452

Nutley Location



  • Nutrition

    Like exercise, proper nutrition provides a wealth of benefits‚ both physical and emotional‚ that contribute to your body's strength and its ability to ward off disease and disability. A healthy diet translates into a healthy body; the proper mix of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients are the

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  • Osteoporosis

    Osteoporosis is a gradual disintegration of bone and it can have a devastating impact on the joints and vertebrae of your spine. Osteoporosis causes the loss of mass and density in bones, making them highly susceptible to fractures. If the bones in your spine become weak and spongy, your spine gradually

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  • Pilates

    Pilates is an exercise program named after Joseph Pilates, who developed an exercise program in the early-20th century to improve the physical fitness of World War I soldiers. Pilates incorporated resistance into programs for rehabilitating injured patients. He later incorporated springs into exercise

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  • Posture

    Try this simple posture "reality check" the next time you are standing in front of a full-length mirror: Are your knees and ankles straight (i.e., not angled inward or outward)? Are your shoulders and hips level? As you stand sideways, does your lower back have a natural curve in it? Do the spaces between

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  • Pregnancy Pain

    Largely because of the physical and hormonal changes to their bodies, many pregnant women can experience various kinds of back pain. Here's a look at some of the kinds of pain pregnant women are prone to: Coccyx (tailbone) pain Groin pain Pelvic pain (which usually begins during pregnancy, but typically

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  • Raking

    When raking leaves, use a "scissors" stance. This entail keeping your right foot forward and left foot back for a few minutes. Occasionally switch by putting your left foot forward and right foot back. Always bend at your knees, not the waist, as you pick up leaves. Make piles small to minimize the possibility

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  • Scoliosis

    Scoliosis is a medical term that refers to spinal curvatures. Scoliosis is a condition that almost always begins in early childhood. And it is exceedingly rare. In fact, only about 5 out of 1,000 American children usually develop curved spines enough to warrant treatment. Scoliosis affects only 1 percent

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  • Shoes

    Tips about shoe features/selection Some serious back disorders and even more common conditions, such as muscle strain, can be linked to one avoidable thing: inappropriate, poor quality, or ill-fitting shoes. A good quality, properly fitting shoe pays big dividends for your spine down the road. When shopping

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  • Shoulder Pain

    Shoulder pain can be caused by a wide variety of things, including a subluxation, or vertebral misalignment, or injury. Most often, shoulder pain can be traced to tenderness or soreness of the rotator-cuff tendon. The rotator cuff is the part of the shoulder that allows you to move your arms in a circular

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  • Sleep Apnea

    It is fairly normal for most of us to snore from time to time, especially if we are tired. The rattling sound we hear in people who snore is actually caused by the tissues in your throat, such as the soft palate and uvula, vibrating. Some people, however, actually have a minor defect in their throat

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Nutley Location


259 Washington Avenue,
Nutley, NJ 07110



Fairfield Location


397 Route 46 W.,
Fairfield, NJ 07004

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